Michelle grew up in an Air force family, primarily in Texas and Okinawa. Her earliest memories are of the fighter airplanes overhead and the classic cars in her father’s garage. Looking for a life of her own, Michelle joined the Navy only to follow in her father’s footsteps while operating some of the same communication systems he had built in the Air Force. Serving in Iceland andĀ mainland Japan, Michelle worked in telecommunications for the anti-submarine P-3 squadrons. She earned a B.A. in English as the next step in her journey as a prolific writer of a stack of love-lorn poetry no one has ever read, much fitting a girl named for a love song no one can ever remember the words to properly sing. Michelle is a pet mom to a rescue dog, Luna, and a ragdoll cat, Frankincense “Frankie” Valli. She enjoys spending time in nature with her family hiking, snowboarding and paddleboarding.